Remembering History

Here we are, flirting with autumn colors and cooler weather. Many of us spent the summer coping with high temperatures, uncomfortable humidity, and record-breaking rainfall. And that’s just the weather! Nationally, we are in the midst of election campaigns, and...

Hot Fun In The Summertime

​“One benefit of Summer was that each day we had more light to read by.” Jeannette Walls SUNRISE OVER CASABLANCA We are most pleased to share this five-star review from Literary Titan: Sunrise Over Casablanca by Pablo Zaragoza is a captivating sequel to “Brazzaville,”...

Summer Reading!

Welcome, summer! Everyone who wished for warmer weather can now bask in dreams come true. We’ll keep our newsletters short to give you time to sunbathe, garden, travel, swim, and read books (ours, we hope). SUNRISE OVER CASABLANCA Pablo’s second sequel to Casablanca...

May Brings New Books

Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come. April, for some, brought the last vestiges of winter – snow, ice, and freezing temperatures – while others experienced more moderate weather, including showers for spring flowers. With the arrival...

New Books For Spring!

April showers bring May flowers, or so they say. If that’s the case where you live, and if you are housebound due to inclement weather, what better way to occupy your time than to read a good book? We offer some suggestions for your consideration, in addition to those...

Spring Into Read An eBook Week!

Old Man Winter is preparing to exit stage left for those of us here in the northern hemisphere, making way for Spring. Even though Spring officially begins on March 19, 2024, we all know Winter sometimes has difficulty letting go. Just when it seems as if the warmer...
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