La Bodeguita
When a Cuban couple with two sons opens La Bodeguita in Miami, their intent is to capture the charm of a small market that caters to a diverse customer base, offers a wide range of fresh products, and delivers family-style customer service.
What they received is another family besides their own. Loyal customers and employees comprise that other family, complete with back stories that few will ever know. On both sides of the counter, they are faceless people. Neither knows what heartache or heartbreak the other might be suffering. The main difference between the two is that the employees must mask their troubles and project a pleasant attitude, whereas the customer can be demanding and unpredictable to the extreme.
The next time you are in a market – large or small – stop for a moment to thank those who stock the shelves, make countless deli salads, bake tasty sweets, and offer prime fish and meats.
Five-Star Review By Amado V.
Who can write a comprehensive yet lucid story of Miami and the Cuban immigrants? An award-winning author Pablo Zaragoza. Only he has the talent, wit, range, and insights to pull off this daring and provocative, inspiring and enlightening book.